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■ International Collaboration

2. Contributions to the Mongolian Nuclear Program

2.19. Director Sekimoto and CRINES Professor Minato visit Mongolia to help construction of Mongolian Education and Research Roadmap on Nuclear Energy

Director Sekimoto and Prof. Minato visited Mongolia on April 28-May 1 to help construction of Mongolian Education and Research Roadmap on Nuclear Energy. On the whole day of April 29 they discussed with members from National University of Mongolia (NUM) on the roadmap proposal prepared by NUM. In the next day morning they visited Japanese Embassy and exchanged their information and discussed with Ambassador Kidokoro on Mongolian nuclear program and cultivation of human resources for it. After that in the same morning they visited also Nuclear Technology Authority (Nuclear Energy Agency) and talked with Director Manlaijav on Mongolian nuclear program and cultivation of human resources for it. In the afternoon they visited Mr. Ganbold, Vice Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City, and talked on the possibility of nuclear energy utilization in Ulaanbaatar City. After this meeting they came back to NUM and summarized their works.
