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■ International Collaboration

2. Contributions to the Mongolian Nuclear Program

2.6. Second visit to the National University of Mongolia

CRINES representatives paid their second visit to the National University of Mongolia on July 6-7, 2007. Representing CRINES were Director Prof. H. Sekimoto, member Toru Obara, CRINES Professor Dr. Akio Minato, and Dr. Kazuo Uoi (Kadokawa Research Institute). They fielded numerous questions from their hosts about nuclear power development and interviewed students who hope to study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

They also had the opportunity to hold discussions with Prof. Dr. S. Enkhbat, Vice Chairperson of the Nuclear Energy Commission, and Mrs. N. Bolormaa, Chairperson of Ulaanbaatar City Council. The representatives then toured a local heating facility. On their previous visit to Mongolia, the seat of the Vice Chairperson of Nuclear Energy Commission had been open; however, this time it was filled with a specialist on nuclear power who was actively pursuing the business of the commission, and many future developments were discussed. Ulaanbaatar suffers from a considerable level of pollution. The Mongolians have shown strong interest in nuclear power, and, on this visit, the Chairperson of City Council gave them a detailed update on the situation in Ulaanbaatar.

On the second day of their trip, the CRINES representatives toured the District Heating Plant of the Nalaikh District and were then taken to the outskirts of the city to observe people practicing for horse-racing events in the upcoming Naadam festival, to which the Crown Prince of Japan was scheduled to make a long-anticipated visit. They were relaxing in the home of the horse trainer who had accompanied them when Prime Minister Miyegombo Enkhbold walked in! All drank a toast to Japanese-Mongolian relations.
