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■ International Collaboration

3. Other International Collaborations

3.3. Tokyo Tech COE-INES Symposium focuses on Development of Nuclear Power in India, Potential for Japan-India Cooperation

Schedule:              January 31, 2007; 13:30-15:00
Location:              Tokyo Tech Centennial Memorial Hall

The title of this symposium was “Development of Nuclear Power in India and the Potential for Japan-India Cooperation”. This symposium focused on India, whose leaders have been seeking to strengthen ties with other nations to cooperate in the field of nuclear power. The speakers were experts on the Indian nuclear program and international issues; they presented lectures and a lively debate on these issues. About 60 guests attended the presentations.

Part I was titled “Reports of a Tour through Indian Nuclear Power Facilities”. This featured Prof. Kumao Kaneko (formerly of the Japanese diplomatic service; currently at Tokai University), who leads the Energy Strategies Committee. He observed several nuclear power companies and research institutes on a trip to India in November 2006. Dr. Naoyuki Takagi, an employee of TEPCO and COE-INES associate professor at Tokyo Tech, also presented a report.

Part II was titled “The Meaning of Cooperation with India in Nuclear Power” and consisted of a panel discussion moderated by Director Sekimoto. The five members of the panel were Mr. Nobumasa Akiyama (Japan Institute of International Affairs, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-proliferation), Mr. Ryo Ikegame (former vice-president of TEPCO, former head of WANO), Mr. Yukifumi Takeuchi (member of the Asahi Shinbun editorial board, former head of Asahi’s New Delhi office), Mr. Yoshitomo Tanaka (former ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament, former ambassador to Hungary) and Mr. Kumao Kaneko.

The main topics of the debate were the significance of Japan-India cooperation in nuclear energy, the current issues that need to be resolved, and the most effective systems for preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons technology. The enthusiastic discussion ranged beyond technical topics to international politics and energy security. These remarks highlighted the importance of continuing the debate on ways of constructing a system that is secure against nuclear weapons proliferation and of deepening international cooperation in nuclear power.

