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令和3年3月博士課程修了予定者論文発表会 原子核工学コース

※ お願い : 学外の方 (卒業生や現在東工大関係者でない方) へ

令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北1号館1階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目


鮱名 風太郎

林﨑 規託 シンクロトロンを用いた粒子線治療用加速器システムの小型化及び性能向上に関する研究
令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

風間 裕行

鷹尾 康一朗 次世代再処理を目指した架橋ピロリドン誘導体による核燃料物質選択的沈殿法の開発
使用済み核燃料の再処理および核燃料サイクルの実現は、今後ますます増加する世界のエネルギー需要を満たすうえで非常に重要である。現行では溶媒抽出に基づくPUREX法が専ら主流であるが、今後の高速炉サイクルに対応し、また現行のウラン/プルトニウムサイクルだけでなく将来的なトリウム/ウランサイクルにも適用可能な簡易かつ汎用性の高い次世代再処理技術の開発が必要である。本論文では、同じ酸化数にあるアクチノイド元素が類似した錯体化学的性質および挙動を示すことに基づき、次世代簡易再処理技術として硝酸水溶液からのアクチノイド6価もしくはアクチノイド4価に特徴的な難溶性配位高分子結晶性沈殿の生成を利用した核燃料物質選択的沈殿法を提案し、その基盤構築を目的とする。沈殿剤となる架橋ピロリドン誘導体(DHNRP)の分子設計および基本性能の把握、DHNRPを含む硝酸ウラニル配位高分子並びに結晶性アクチノイド(IV)錯体の構造化学・溶解性の解明、さらに再処理条件下でのアクチノイド(IV, VI)の沈殿挙動の解明を行い、次世代再処理技術としての核燃料物質選択的沈殿法の基礎・基盤構築を達成した。
令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北1号館1階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

TRAN Tri Vien

木倉 宏成 Study on Improvement of Decontamination Factor of Filtered Containment Venting System
In March 2011, one of the strongest earthquakes in records triggered a tsunami hit Tohoku Island, Japan. Following, the tsunami disabled the power supply and the cooling system of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and caused a nuclear severe accident with core damage, containment failure, and release of a large amount of fission product into the environment. One of the most important lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident is to have a system that can suppress the occurrence of severe accidents and mitigation the environmental release of radioactive material. The wet scrubber based Filtered Containment Venting System (FCVS) is being considered to implement in a nuclear reactor by many countries. The implementation of FCVSs has also become mandatory in most countries for the design and new construction of nuclear power plants. Therefore, the investigation and improvement of FCVS is a necessity. One of the key factors that affect the decontamination factor of a wet type scrubber based FCVS is the performance of the venturi scrubber nozzle. It plays a role as the first filtration layer for removal of aerosol particles due to interaction between the gas stream and liquid droplet inside the nozzle. This study was performed on a laboratory scale FCVS. An Advanced Venturi Scrubber (AVS) nozzle was used to inject air stream into the system. To understand the performance of the venturi nozzle, the two-phase flow mechanism in the FCVS was measured using Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler and visualization methods. After that, the effects of the AVS on the decontamination factor of FCVS were evaluated. Through this study, the decontamination factor was improved due to the enhancement of the AVS configurations.
令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

Muhammad Fajar

吉田 克己 Fabrication of highly oriented B4C ceramics under strong magnetic field and their properties

The lifetime of B4C pellets has been limited due to swelling effect and thermal stress leading to cracking and fragmentation of neutron-absorbers. High-performance B4C pellets with excellent mechanical and thermal properties have been considerably required to extend their lifetime. Generally, the properties of ceramics depend on the crystal orientation. Therefore, it is expected that their properties can be enhanced by achieving highly crystal orientation. In this study, highly oriented B4C ceramics with/without alumina (Al2O3) as a sintering additive were prepared under a rotating strong magnetic field followed by spark plasma sintering, and their mechanical and thermal properties were evaluated. In addition, the effect of crystal orientation on the properties of B4C ceramics was discussed.

The Lotgering factor, the degree of c-axis orientation, ranged from 0.4-0.7, and highly oriented B4C ceramics were successfully achieved by the preparation under strong magnetic field. Anisotropic mechanical properties of highly oriented B4C ceramics were pointed out, and the results was explaed by the cleavage plane of B4C crystal along (012) plane. Hardness, elastic modulus, and fracture toughness values depended on the c-axis orientation. In addition, highly oriented B4C ceramics with Al2O3 showed the highest thermal conductivity. From these results, it was concluded that the crystal orientation in B4C ceramics is effective to improve their mechanical and thermal properties.
令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北1号館1階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目


木倉 宏成 Study on Velocity Distribution Measurement in Air-water and Sub-cooled Boiling Bubbly Flow Using Ultrasound Technique

The Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) is a nuclear power plant having many operating units currently. The safety concept is the main issue for the reactor operation. The bubble and liquid phase's velocity distribution in the bubbly flow on sub-cooled boiling conditions is an essential parameter. It relates directly to heat transfer enhancement and downstream boiling distribution, which strongly affects the optimum design and safety margin. Therefore, the experimental investigation of this parameter is a necessity. Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler (UVP) has been developed for velocity distribution measurement on bubbly flow in air-water and the sub-cooled boiling condition. Firstly, the phase separation algorithm was developed. The velocity profile of the bubble and liquid in air-water bubbly flow was derived separately. The applicability and measurement accuracy was evaluated.  Secondly, the UVP with phase separation algorithm was modified by advanced signal processing to extends the velocity range due to the aliasing problem at beyond Nyquist velocity. The velocity range limit is increased to cover the actual value in the real reactor. The success rate of de-aliasing in both phase velocities was investigated. Thirdly, the developed UVP was conducted to obtain the bubbly flow velocity in the sub-cooled boiling condition. The classification of both phase's velocity in elevated temperature was analyzed. The velocity distribution measurement in sub-cooled boiling bubbly flow was test and examined experimentally. Furthermore, the UVP for the two-dimensional velocity measurement in the bubbly flow was developed. The multiple transducers are combined with the phase separation algorithm. The measurement ability was demonstrated and had a comparison with other techniques. These allow obtaining velocity data of experimental investigation for reactor design.

令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

ASA Anie
Day De Castro

松本 義久 Functional evaluation of DNA double-strand break repair protein XRCC4 associated with development and cancer risk.

X-ray cross-complementing 4 (XRCC4) is one of the most essential proteins for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair through non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway. In NHEJ, XRCC4 is associated with and required for the function of DNA ligase IV, which joins two DNA ends. XRCC4 has additional roles coordinating DNA end processing prior to the ligation of DNA ends and also forming a filamentous structure with XRCC4-like factor (XLF) to bridge or align two DNA ends. Mutations in XRCC4 were identified in patients with developmental diseases, showing microcephaly and growth defects. There are also reports showing that a polymorphism in XRCC4, which changes its subcellular localization, is associated with increased cancer risk. This study aimed to explore the role in DNA repair function of XRCC4 and its association in disease development and protection against cancer. XRCC4 mutants mimicking these disease-associated mutants and cancer risk-associated variants were generated and expressed in murine and human osteosarcoma cell lines. Then, functional characteristics, i.e., protein expression, radiosensitivity and subcellular distribution were analyzed. Results showed that these disease-associated mutants showed varying degrees of dysfunction, depending upon the positions of its mutations, the length of deletions, or its proximity to significant positions associated to other NHEJ protein. Cancer risk-associated variant showed reduced DSB repair function. These results highlighted the significance of XRCC4 in the regulation of normal development and protection against cancer through DNA repair, and in maintaining genomic integrity and stability.

令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北1号館1階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

Zablackaite Giedre

木倉 宏成 Microscopic Hydrodynamic Bubble Behaviour in Suppression Pool during Wetwell Venting

The FPs transport from the bubbles to the water pool depends not only on the retention mechanisms inside the bubble, but also on the bubble hydrodynamics. Pool scrubbing codes, determining the efficiency of pool scrubbing effect, combine FPs aerosol transport models with bubble hydrodynamic models. In the codes, pool scrubbing efficiency is obtained from deposition velocities of several FPs aerosol retention mechanisms, such as inertial impaction, gravitational sedimentation, Brownian diffusion and steam condensation. The deposition velocities depend on bubble size and bubble rising velocity. All pool scrubbing codes adopted a single bubble model. However, the validity of the used single bubble diameters has not been verified. In this dissertation, the rising bubble hydrodynamic behaviour under the prototypical SA conditions of temperature, non-condensable gas content, submergence, downcomer diameter and pressure was investigated and suitable bubble diameter represented by Sauter Mean Diameter and corresponding bubble rising velocity was provided for single bubble model in pool scrubbing codes. The data base of SMD and bubble rising velocity corresponding to SMD was obtained and used for evaluation of the effects of varied parameters and investigate the importance of retention mechanisms. Proposed SMD was validated by using direct DF measurement data under a wide range of conditions presented in the reference. Moreover, experimental data was also collected under depressurization and used for evaluation of depressurization condition effect on bubble parameters and evaluation of pool scrubbing deterioration under depressurization condition. Based on the experimental results, recommendations were proposed for severe accident management concerning wetwell venting.

令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目
塚田 海馬 松本 義久 DNA修復におけるDNAリン酸化・脱リン酸化酵素PNKPの制御機構

遺伝情報を司るDNAには、複製エラーなどの内因性、放射線や紫外線などの外因性ストレスによって、絶えずさまざまな損傷が生じている。細胞はそれらのDNA 損傷を迅速に認識・正確に修復することで、遺伝情報を維持し、ゲノムの安定性を保っている。一方、不正確あるいは不完全なDNA修復による突然変異の蓄積が遺伝病や発がん、がんの悪性化の原因となると考えられている。

本研究は、核酸末端のリン酸化・脱リン酸化活性を持ち、塩基除去修復・DNA一本鎖切断修復・DNA二本鎖切断修復に関わる酵素Polynucleotide Kinase/Phosphatase (PNKP)に着目し、それぞれのDNA損傷修復経路での制御機構や、ゲノム安定性維持における重要性を明らかにすることを目的として行った。ライブセルイメージングをはじめとする分子・細胞生物学的手法により、(1)PNKPの非構造化領域内に存在するアミノ酸配列が制御する細胞核内移行機構、(2)リン酸化依存的なタンパク質結合を介したPNKPのDNA損傷部位への集積メカニズム、(3)PNKPの新規リン酸化部位とDNA一本鎖切断修復における重要性を明らかにした。
令和2年12月23日(水) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北1号館1階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目
伊藤 あゆみ 小林 能直 沸騰水型軽水炉過酷事故の炉心損傷における燃料系金属反応に関する研究

2011年3月の東日本大震災における津波を契機に発生した福島第一原発事故では1, 2, 3号機が燃料溶融を伴うシビアアクシデントに至った。事故進展事象の解明および炉内における燃料溶融固化物の分布を推定する目的で実施された解析コードによる評価では,事故炉格納容器内部調査によって観察された原子炉圧力容器(RPV)破損状況の一部を説明することができず,事故後約10年が経過した現在においても炉心損傷からRPV破損に至る機構の全容解明には至っていない。本研究では福島第一原発事故の事故進展,沸騰水型軽水炉に特有な構造および燃料系金属融体の化学的特性に着目し,事故以前の知見とは異なる視点からRPV破損機構にいたる現象について熱力学計算および熱流動解析を用いて検証した。

令和2年12月24日(木) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目

Kim Min Seok

塚原 剛彦 Development of environmentally- friendly separation and analysis system of uranium by combining fluorogenic chemosensor and supercritical carbon dioxide

Determination of uranium in solid matrixes is one of the critical issues for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Since general analytical technologies of uranium have some disadvantages such as complex and time-consuming chemical operations and production of large amounts of secondary wastes, new rapid and simple and environmentally-friendly method should be required. In this study, I aimed to develop a novel separation and analysis system for uranyl ion (UO22+) included in solid matrix, utilized by fluorogenic chemosensor and supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) medium. As a UO22+ selective sensor material, this study employed novel PN-DCE bearing a diaza-18-crown-6 ether and two N-phenyl-1,8-naphthalimides. The synthesis of PN-DCE was performed by a series of solvent-free reaction and column-chromatography, and obtained PN-DCE was characterized by analytical methods such as 1H-, 13C-NMR, elemental analysis. PN-DCE showed superior selectivity toward UO22+ among various alkali and alkaline earth metal ion species, in sensor property investigation. Also, its fine detection sensitivity was proven by Stern-Volmer analysis, supporting the suitability of PN-DCE on determination of clearance level UO22+ (1 Bq g-1) in solid matrix. Moreover, direct extraction of UO22+ from solid waste matrixes was realized by using ScCO2 medium and environmentally-friendly extractant, 2-pyrrolidone derivative. The extracted UO22+ could be successfully determined by fluorogenic analysis using PN-DCE. Therefore, this system can act as a promising analytical tool for uranium in solid waste.

令和2年12月24日(木) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目
福田 航大 小原 徹 燃料デブリによる臨界事故時の影響評価に関する研究


令和2年12月24日(木) Zoom / 先導原子力研究所北2号館6階会議室
発表者氏名 指導教員 論  文  題  目
村本 武司 小原 徹 粒子法及び中性子輸送モンテカルロ法の結合による燃料デブリ水中落下時の臨界性評価シミュレーション



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  • 小原  徹 教授    : tobara(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 小林 能直 教授    : ykobayashi(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 林﨑 規託 教授    : nhayashi(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 木倉 宏成 准教授   : kikura(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 鷹尾 康一朗 准教授 : ktakao(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 塚原 剛彦 准教授   :ptsuka(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 松本 義久 准教授   :yoshim(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
  • 吉田 克己 准教授   :k-yoshida(at)zc.iir.titech.ac.jp